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  第一章 总 则

  第一条 为进一步深化投资体制改革,提高政府投资项目的建设管理水平和投资效益,规范政府投资建设行为,根据国家、省有关规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称的代建制,是指政府投资项目通过招标等方式,选择专业化的项目管理单位(以下简称代建单位),负责项目建设实施的管理,严格控制项目投资、质量、安全和工期,项目竣工验收后交付给使用单位的制度。

  第三条 总投资在500万元以上实行代建制的市本级非经营性政府投资项目,适用本办法。


  第四条 实行代建制的市本级政府投资项目主要包括:






  第五条 市发改委负责代建制的指导、协调、综合监管工作,按照投资管理权限和建设程序规定审批代建项目,对代建项目实施投资管理和监督。




  第六条 实行政府投资代建制的项目,可以采用全过程代建方式或者建设实施代建方式。


  第七条 代建项目实行合同管理。项目使用单位和项目代建单位应当依法签定代建合同。代建合同中应当明确代建项目的范围、标准、时限、安全、造价控制、报酬、奖励惩罚、合同终止条件等内容以及双方的权利和义务。


  第二章 代建单位和使用单位

  第八条 成立市政府投资项目代建资格审查委员会,审查委员会由市发改委、市监察局、市财政局、市建设规划局、市审计局等部门组成。符合资格条件的组织,可以向市发改委申请代建单位资格。原则上市政府投资项目代建资格审查委员会每年进行一次资格审查,并向社会公布代建单位名录。


  第九条 代建单位根据代建合同约定,行使项目代建期间法人职责,负责代建项目建设期间的建设实施,并承担相应的法律责任。

  第十条 全过程代建项目的代建单位应当承担的主要职责是:













  第十一条 本办法第六条所称的项目建设实施代建单位主要职责是指前条第(四)至(十二)所列事项。

  第十二条 代建单位应当遵守下列规定:







  第十三条 项目使用单位应当承担的主要职责是:








  第三章 代建项目组织实施程序

  第十四条 使用单位按照程序报请审批项目建议书时,应当附有建设管理形式的内容,阐明是否采用代建制的建议。

  第十五条 市发改委在批复的项目建议书中,应当确定该项目是否实行代建制及具体代建方式。

  第十六条 代建项目在项目建议书或项目初步设计批复后,市发改委应当会同使用单位通过招标等方式确定代建单位。

  第十七条 代建项目实行履约担保制度。履约担保的具体金额及方式应当根据项目特点,在代建项目招标文件中确定。代建单位应当在代建合同签定前向使用单位出具履约保函。

  第十八条 代建单位在项目建设期间,应当按照国家和省、市有关规定,会同使用单位组织实施项目的勘察、设计、监理和施工等招标工作。

  第十九条 代建单位应当严格按照批准的初步设计及概算控制投资,实行限额设计。严禁在施工中随意变更设计和增加投资。

  第二十条 代建项目有下列情形之一的,由代建单位提出,经使用单位同意,并由市政府投资项目工程变更审核小组批准后方可变更、调整概算:






  第二十一条 代建单位应当组织勘察、设计、监理、施工等项目参与单位建立严格质量保证体系,并督促落实各环节质量控制要求。代建单位对代建项目的工程质量负连带责任。

  第二十二条 代建项目完工后,投资综合管理部门或由其委托行业主管部门应当按照相关法律、法规、规章的规定和代建合同约定对代建项目进行竣工验收。

  第二十三条 自项目竣工验收合格之日起,项目代建单位应当在三个月内按财政部门批准的资产价值向使用单位办理资产交付手续。

  第二十四条 代建单位应当按照档案有关法律、法规、规章的规定,建立健全有关项目档案。代建单位向使用单位办理代建项目移交手续时,应当一并将工程、财务档案及相关资料向使用单位和有关部门移交。

  第二十五条 工程保修期内,代建项目的维护由代建单位负责;工程保修期结束后,代建项目的维护由使用单位负责。代建合同另有约定的,从其约定。

  第四章 代建项目投资计划和资金管理

  第二十六条 代建项目实行年度投资计划管理。市发改委应当会同财政等行政主管部门及时编制和下达代建项目年度投资计划。市财政局依据代建项目年度投资计划、年度支出预算、工程进度和代建合同约定,对项目资金实施管理。

  第二十七条 代建合同签订后,代建单位应当按照经批准的初步设计投资概算,严格控制建设资金的使用,并根据实际工作进度和资金需求,向使用单位提出用款申请,由使用单位按照规定程序报批。




  第二十八条 代建单位应当严格执行国家的财务会计制度,按照财政预算管理、基本建设财务管理、建设资金账户管理等相关制度规定,设立代建项目资金专户,单独建账核算,专款专用,严格资金管理,保证建设资金的使用安全。

  第二十九条 代建管理费是代建单位组织实施代建项目的管理费用和代建单位实施代建项目的正常经营费用,不包括项目审批和建设过程中政府规定应当缴纳的费用、与代建项目有关的招标代理费用等相关咨询服务费用。


  第三十条 代建管理费在项目竣工前支付不超过80%,项目竣工财务决算批复后再支付10%,余额待工程保修期满后支付。

  第三十一条 使用单位所发生的建设单位管理费,由财政部门根据代建方式、项目特点等另行核定,列入项目概算。

  第三十二条 代建项目建成经竣工验收合格、竣工决算经审核批准后,在决算投资比最终批准概算有节余的前提下,可将代建单位通过优化设计方案或施工方案(在不降低标准、工程内容和保证工程质量的条件下)所节约建设资金的20%提取作为节约资金奖励,奖励资金从项目节约资金中开支,但最高奖励金额不得超过200万元。其余节余资金按原投资比例分配。


  第五章 法律责任

  第三十三条 项目代建单位违反本办法规定,有下列情形之一的,除承担相应的违约责任外,三年内不得参与代建活动,并由相关监督部门依法予以处罚,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:








  第三十四条 项目使用单位违反本办法规定,有下列情形之一的,除承担相应的违约责任外,对单位主要负责人和其他直接责任人,根据情节轻重,依法追究相关责任:





  第三十五条 发改、财政、审计、建设规划等有关行政主管部门及其工作人员违反本办法规定,有下列情形之一的,由其所在单位、上级主管部门或者监察机关责令限期改正,对主要负责人和直接责任人员根据情节轻重,依法追究责任:




  第六章 附 则

  第三十六条 各县(市、区)人民政府可参照本办法制定本辖区政府投资项目代建制管理规定。

  第三十七条 本办法自发布之日起施行。









第一章 总  则
  第一条 为防治机动车排气污染,推进污染减排,保护和改善大气环境,保障人体健康,促进经济、社会和环境协调发展,根据《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》和《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》等法律、法规、规章,结合本市实际,制定本办法。
  第二条 本市行政区域内机动车排气污染防治,适用本办法。
  第三条 市及县(区)人民政府应当将机动车排气污染防治纳入环境保护规划,编制城市综合交通规划应当体现机动车排气污染防治要求。
  第四条 市及县(区)环境保护行政主管部门对本行政区域内机动车排气污染防治工作实施监督管理。
第二章 预防与控制
  第五条 环境保护行政主管部门应当建立机动车排气污染防治网络监控系统。公安机关交通管理部门和机动车排气污染检验机构等单位应当提供相关信息,配合建立机动车排气污染防治网络监控系统,实现机动车排气污染防治信息共享。
  第六条 在本市初次注册登记及外地转入的机动车,执行国家阶段性机动车排气污染物排放标准。
  第七条 本市实行机动车环保检验合格标志管理制度。机动车环保检验合格标志由环境保护行政主管部门按照国家环境保护部有关规定统一核发。
  第八条 本市行政区域内注册登记的机动车应当取得环保检验合格标志。
  第九条 任何单位和个人不得伪造、变造、转让、出借或者使用伪造、变造的机动车环保检验合格标志。
  第十条 根据本市大气环境质量状况和不同类别机动车排气污染程度,可以对相关机动车采取限制区域、限制时段行驶的交通管理措施。具体办法由环境保护行政主管部门会同公安机关交通管理部门制定,报同级人民政府批准后实施。
  第十一条 在用机动车的所有人和使用人应当对机动车加强维护保养,保证在用机动车及其污染控制装置处于正常工作状态,不得擅自拆除、闲置或者更改在用机动车排气污染控制装置。
  第十二条 鼓励使用低污染、低排放车型,加快淘汰高污染、高排放的机动车。鼓励、支持和推广使用优质车用燃油和清洁车用能源,控制机动车排气污染总量。
  第十三条 严格执行报废汽车注册登记制度。已注册登记的机动车达到国家规定的强制报废标准的,公安机关交通管理部门应当在报废期满的2个月前通知机动车所有人办理注销登记,及时办理《机动车注销证明》。
第三章  检测与监督
  第十四条 在用机动车应当按照国家规定的机动车安全技术检验期限,同步进行排气污染检测。
  第十五条 机动车排气污染检测机构应当按照国家有关规定,依法取得相应资质和省环境保护行政主管部门的委托,并遵守下列规定:
  第十六条 交通运输行政主管部门应当将机动车排气污染定期检测纳入对机动车维修的监督管理内容。从事机动车排气污染治理的机动车维修单位,应当具备二类(含二类)以上道路运输经营资质。
  第十七条 机动车维修单位对机动车实施与排气有关的维修后,应当进行出厂自检或者委托检测,符合规定排放标准后方可出厂,并建立完整的维修档案,对机动车号牌、维修项目及维修情况进行详细记录,出具竣工出厂合格证及实行质量保证期制度。
  第十八条 环境保护行政主管部门可以对道路上行驶的排放黑烟等可视污染物或者有排气污染违法记录的机动车进行排气污染抽检;需要公安机关交通管理部门配合的,公安机关交通管理部门应当予以配合。
  第十九条 环境保护行政主管部门按照本办法规定对机动车排气污染进行抽检的,不得收取费用。
  第二十条 环保、公安、交通、质监等行政主管部门,不得要求机动车所有人、驾驶人到其指定的机动车排气污染检测机构、机动车维修单位,进行机动车排气污染定期检测、维修。
第四章 法律责任
  第二十一条 违反本办法第十五条规定,机动车排气污染检测机构未依法取得相应的检测资格,擅自从事机动车排气污染检测,或者检测中弄虚作假的,由环保、质监等部门依照有关法律法规予以查处。
  第二十二条 从事机动车排气污染防治工作的行政主管部门及其工作人员,滥用职权、玩忽职守的,由有关机关追究其行政责任;涉嫌构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第五章 附   则
  第二十三条 本办法所称机动车,是指以汽油、柴油或者其它可燃物质作为燃料,以动力装置驱动或者牵引,上道路行驶的供人乘用或者用于运送物品以及进行工程专项作业的轮式车辆。
  第二十四条 本办法由市环境保护行政主管部门负责解释。
  第二十五条 本办法自2012年9月1日起施行,有效期为两年。





第一条 本细则依据《中华人民共和国外国企业所得税法》(以下简称税法)第十八条的规定制定。
第二条 税法第一条所说的设立机构,是指外国企业在中国境内设有从事生产、经营的机构、场所或营业代理人。
第三条 外国企业同中国企业合作生产、合作经营,除另有规定者外,合作双方应当分别缴纳所得税。
第四条 税法第一条所说的生产、经营所得,是指外国企业从事工、矿、交通运输、农、林、牧、渔、饲养、商业、服务以及其它行业的生产、经营所得。
第五条 税法第四条所说征收地方所得税的应纳税的所得额,与税法第三条所说的应纳税的所得额相同,都是按照本细则第九条所列公式计算出来的所得额。
第六条 税法第四条第二款所说生产规模小、利润低的企业,是指全年所得额在一百万元以下的外国企业。
第七条 税法第五条所说的利润率低的企业,包括深井开采煤矿资源、利润率低的外国企业。
第八条 外国企业所得税的纳税年度,指公历每年一月一日起,至十二月三十一日止。
第九条 应纳税所得额的计算公式如下:
第十条 下列各项,在计算应纳税所得额时,不得列为成本、费用或损失:
第十一条 外国企业支付给总机构同本企业生产、经营有关的合理的管理费,以及支付给总机构直接提供服务所发生的实际费用,应当提供总机构的证明文件和单据凭证,并附有注册会计师签证的会计报告,经企业所在地的税务机关审核同意后,可以列支。外国企业同中国企业合作生
第十二条 外国企业支付的借款利息,应当提供借款付息的证明文件,经当地税务机关审核,属于正常借款的,准予按合理的利率列支。
第十三条 外国企业用于同生产、经营业务有关的合理的交际应酬费,应当提供确实的记录或单据凭证,分别在下列限度内,准予作为费用列支:
第十四条 外国企业在用的固定资产,应当按期逐年计算折旧。固定资产是指使用年限在一年以上的房屋、建筑物、机器、机械、运输工具和其它与生产经营有关的设备等。不属于生产、经营主要设备的物品,单位价值在五百元以下,使用期限又较短的,可以按实际使用数列为费用。

第十五条 固定资产的计价,应当以原价为准。
第十六条 固定资产应当从投入使用的月份起计算折旧。年度中间停止使用的固定资产,应当自停用月份的次月起,停止计算折旧。
第十七条 固定资产的折旧,应当先估计残值,从固定资产原价中减除,残值以原价的百分之十为原则;对于需要少留或不留残值的,应当报经当地税务机关批准;采用综合计算折旧的,可以不留残值。
第十八条 各类固定资产,计算折旧的年限如下:
第十九条 固定资产在使用过程中,因扩充、更换、翻修和技术改造而增加价值,并延长了使用年限的,所发生的支出,应当作为资本支出,不得列为费用。
第二十条 转让或变价处理固定资产的收入,减除未折旧的净额或残值后的差额,列为当年度的损益。
第二十一条 外国企业受让专利权、专有技术、商标权、版权、场地使用权和其它特许权等无形资产,按照合理的价格所支付的金额,从开始使用的月份起,分期摊销。

第二十二条 外国企业在筹办期间所发生的费用,应当在开始生产、经营后,分期摊销。摊销期限不得少于五年。
第二十三条 商品、原材料、在产品、半成品、产成品和副产品等的盘存,应当按照成本价计算。计算方法,可以在先进先出、移动平均和加权平均等方法中,由企业选用一种。需要变更计算方法的,应当报经当地税务机关批准。
第二十四条 外国企业不能提供准确的成本、费用凭证,不能正确计算应纳税所得额的,由当地税务机关按其销货净额或业务收入总额,参照同行业或类似行业的利润水平,核定其利润率,计算应纳税的所得额。
第二十五条 外国的航空、海运企业从事国际运输业务,都以其在中国境内装载客货收入总额的百分之五为应纳税的所得额。
第二十六条 外国企业同中国企业合作生产,采取产品分成方式的,分得产品时,即为取得收入,按照卖给第三方的销售价格或参照当时的市场价格计算收入额。
第二十七条 税法第十一条所说的来源于中国的股息、利息、租金、特许权使用费和其它所得,解释如下:
第二十八条 前条所说来源于中国的股息、利息、租金、特许权使用费和其它所得,除另有规定者外,都按照收入全额计算应纳税额,税款由支付单位在每次支付的款额中扣缴。
第二十九条 税法第十一条所说国际金融组织,是指联合国所属国际货币基金组织、世界银行、国际开发协会、农业发展基金组织等金融机构;所说优惠利率,是指比国际金融市场一般利率至少低百分之十的利率。
第三十条 税法第十一条所说的中国国家银行,包括中国人民银行、中国银行、中国农业银行、中国人民建设银行、中国投资银行和经国务院批准的对外经营外汇存放款信贷业务的国际信托投资公司等。
第三十一条 税法第十一条第四款所说的存款利息所得,不包括外国银行在中国国家银行按照低于国际金融市场利率的存款所取得的利息。低于国际金融市场利率的存款利息所得,免征所得税。
第三十二条 税法第十一条所说支付的款额,包括现金支付、汇拨支付、转帐支付的金额,以及用有价证券、实物支付时折算的金额。
第三十三条 税法第七条规定的分季预缴所得税额,可以按照实际计算的季度利润额预缴,也可以按照本年度计划利润额或上年度所得额计算的应纳税额的四分之一预缴。
第三十四条 外国企业营业不满一年的,按照实际营业期间的所得额,适用税法所规定的税率,计算缴纳所得税。
第三十五条 外国企业的开业、停业,应当分别在开业后或停业前三十天内,按照税法第十条的规定,向当地税务机关办理开业或停业的税务登记。
第三十六条 外国企业在纳税年度内无论盈利或亏损,都应当按照规定期限,向当地税务机关报送所得税申报表和会计决算报表;除另有规定者外,还应当附送在中华人民共和国登记的注册会计师的查帐报告。
第三十七条 外国企业如遇特殊原因,不能按照规定期限报送纳税申报表时,应当在报送期限内提出申请,经当地税务机关批准,可以适当延长,并相应延长汇算清缴的期限。缴纳税款期限和报送报表期限的最后一日,如遇公休假日,可以顺延。
第三十八条 外国企业的财务收支以实行权责发生制为原则。各项会计记录必须正确、完整,都应当有合法的凭证作为记帐依据。
第三十九条 外国企业所用会计凭证、帐簿和报表,应当使用中国文字记载,也可以使用中、外两种文字。
第四十条 外国企业的销货发票和营业收款凭证,应当报经当地税务机关批准后,方可使用。
第四十一条 税务机关派出人员,对企业的财务、会计和纳税情况进行检查时,应当出示证件,并负责保密。
第四十二条 外国企业所得为外国货币的,分季预缴所得税,应当按照填开纳税凭证当日国家外汇管理总局公布的外汇牌价,折合成人民币缴纳税款;年度终了后汇算清缴所得税应补、应退的税款,按照纳税年度终了的最后一日国家外汇管理总局公布的外汇牌价,折合成人民币进行退
第四十三条 外国企业违反税法第八条、第九条第一款、第十条、第十二条规定的,税务机关根据情节轻重,可处以五千元以下的罚金。
第四十四条 外国企业违反本细则第三十九条第二款、第四 十条规定的,税务机关根据情节轻重,可处以五千元以下的罚金。
第四十五条 税法第十五条第三款所说的偷税、抗税,解释如下:
第四十六条 税务机关根据税法和本细则规定处以罚金的案件,应当填发违章案件处理通知书。
第四十七条 外国企业按照税法第十六条的规定,提出申请复议的案件,税务机关应当在接到申请后三个月内作出处理决定。
第四十八条 外国企业所得税申报表和纳税凭证,由中华人民共和国财政部税务总局统一印制。
第四十九条 本细则的解释权,属于中华人民共和国财政部。
第五十条 本细则以《中华人民共和国外国企业所得税法》的公布施行日期为施行日期。

Detailed Rules and Regulations for the Implementation of theForeign Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China

(Approved by the State Council on February 17, 1982; Promulgatedby the Ministry of Finance on February 21, 1982)

Whole Doc.

Article 1
The Detailed Rules and Regulations are formulated in accordance with
the provisions of Article 18 of the Income Tax Law of the People's
Republic of China Concerning Foreign Enterprises (hereinafter called Tax
Article 2
"Establishments" mentioned in Article 1 of the Tax Law refer to
organizations, places or business agents established in Chinese territory
by foreign enterprises and engaged in production and business operations.
The organizations and places mentioned in the preceding paragraph
mainly include management offices, branches, representative offices,
factories and places where natural resources are exploited and where
contracted projects of building, installations, assembly and exploration
are operated.
Article 3
Foreign enterprises and Chinese enterprises engaged in any
cooperative production or joint business operation should, unless separate
provisions are stipulated, each pay their income taxes respectively.
Article 4
"Income derived from production and business" mentioned in Article 1
of the Tax Law refers to income from the production and business
operations by foreign enterprises in industry, mining, communications,
transportation, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries,
poultry farming, commerce, service and other trades.
Income from other sources as mentioned in Article 1 of the Tax Law
covers dividends, interest, income from lease or sale of property, income
from transfer of patents, technical know-how, trademark interests, or
copyright and other non-business income.
Article 5
The taxable income for assessing the local income tax as mentioned in
Article 4 of the Tax Law is the same as the taxable income mentioned in
Article 3 of the Tax Law, i.e. it is calculated according to the formulas
given in Article 9 of the Detailed Rules and Regulations.
Article 6
Enterprises engaged in small-scaled production or business and
enterprises of low profits, as mentioned in Paragraph 2 of Article 4 of
the Tax Law, refer to foreign enterprises with an annual income of less
than 1,000,000 RMB yuan.
Article 7
Foreign enterprises scheduled to operate in low-profit occupations,
as mentioned in Article 5 of the Tax Law, include those low- profit
enterprises engaged in exploiting coal mineral resources in deep wells.

Article 8
The tax year for foreign enterprises starts from January 1 and ends
on December 31 on the Gregorian Calendar.
Where a foreign enterprise finds it difficult to compute its income
of the tax year as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, it may apply to
the local tax authorities for approval to use its own 12-month fiscal year
for tax computation and payment.
Article 9
The taxable income shall be calculated in accordance with the
following formulas:
a. Industry:
1. Production costs of the year = Direct materials used up in
production of the year + direct wages + manufacturing expenses
2. Cost of the product of the year = Production costs of the year
+ inventory of products semi-finished and in process of production at the
beginning of the year - inventory of products semi-finished and in process
of production at the end of the year
3. Cost of the sales of the product = Cost of the product of the
year + inventory of the product at the beginning of the year - inventory
of the product at the end of the year
4. Net sales of the product = Gross sales of the product -
(sales return + sales allowance)
5. Profit from sales of the product = Net sales of the product -
tax on the sales of the product - cost of the sales of the product -
(selling expenses + overhead expenses)
6. Taxable Income = Profit from sales of the product + profit
from other operations + non-business income - non-business expenditure
b. Commerce:
1. Net sales = Gross sales - (sales return + sales allowance)
2. Cost of sales = Inventory of merchandise at the beginning of
the year + [Purchases of the year - (purchase returned + purchase
discount) + purchase expenses] - inventory of merchandise at the end of
the year
3. Profit of sales = Net sales - cost of sales - tax on sales
(selling expenses + overhead expenses)
4. Taxable income = Profit of sales + profit from other
operations + non-business income - non-business expenditure
c. Service trades:
1. Net business income = Gross business income - (tax on business
+ operating expenses + overhead expenses)
2. Taxable income = Net business income + non-business income -
non-business expenditure
d. Other trades:
For other trades, refer to the above mentioned formulas for

Article 10
The following items shall not be counted as cost, expenses or loss in
calculating the taxable income:
1. Expenditure on the purchase or construction of machinery,
equipment, building facilities and other fixed assets;
2. Expenditure on the purchase of intangible assets;
3. Interest on equity capital;
4. Income tax payment and local income tax payment;
5. Penalty for illegal operations and losses in the form of
confiscated property;
6. Overdue tax payment and tax penalty;
7. Losses from windstorms, floods and fire covered by insurance
8. Donations and contributions other than those for public welfare
and relief purposes in China;
9. Royalties paid to the head offices;
10. Other expenses that are not relevant to production and business
Article 11
Reasonable overhead expenses that are relevant to production and
operation paid by a foreign enterprise to its head office and actual
expenses paid to its head office for services directly provided may be
listed as expenses on the condition that the said expenses are backed up
by certificates and vouchers from the head office, together with a
financial report signed by a chartered public accountant, and examined and
approved by the local tax authorities.
Where a foreign enterprise is engaged in co-operative production and
joint business operation with a Chinese enterprise and an agreement has
been reached and included in the signed contract for the sharing of
overhead expenses of the head office, such payments may be listed as
expenses in accordance with the confirmed method in the contract after
being examined and ratified by the local tax authorities.
Article 12
Foreign enterprises are permitted to list as expenses the interest
payments on loans at reasonable rates on the condition that the loans and
interest payments are backed up by certifying documents and, after being
examined by the local tax authorities, are considered as being of normal

Article 13
Reasonable entertainment expenses paid by foreign enterprises that
are relevant to production and business income more than 5,000,000 RMB
yuan, the vouchers and documents, and then may be listed as expenses
within the following limits respectively:
1. For enterprises with annual net sales less than 15,000,000 RMB
yuan, the reasonable entertainment expenses shall not be in excess of
0.3%, or three thousandths, of the net sales; for those with annual net
sales more than 15,000,000 RMB yuan, the expenses for that portion above
the limit shall not exceed 0.1%, or one thousandth, of the said portion.
2. For enterprises with annual total business income less than
5,000,000 RMB yuan, the reasonable entertainment expenses shall not be in
excess of 1%, or ten thousandths, of the total business income, for those
with annual total business income more than 5,000,000 RMB yuan, the
expenses for that portion above the limit shall not exceed 3 , or three
thousandths, of the said portion.
Article 14
Depreciation of fixed assets of foreign enterprises in use shall be
calculated on an annual basis. The fixed assets cover houses, buildings,
machinery and other mechanical apparatuses, means of transport and other
equipment for the purpose of production or business operations with useful
life of more than one year. But articles with a per-unit value of less
than 500 RMB yuan and a shorter useful life that are not main equipment
for production or operation, can be itemized as expenses according to the
actual quantity in use.
Article 15
Fixed assets shall be assessed according to the original value. For
fixed assets counted as an investment by foreign enterprises and Chinese
enterprises engaged in co-operative production and business operation, the
original value shall be the price of the assets agreed upon by all
participants at the time of co-operation.
For purchased fixed assets, the original value shall be the purchase
price plus freight, installation expenses and other related expenses
incurred before they are put into use.
For self-made and self-built fixed assets, the original value shall
be the actual expenditures incurred in the course of manufacture of
For self-owned and used fixed assets that are shipped in from abroad,
the documents certifying their original value and the number of years in
use, together with reference data on their market price, shall be
presented and their actual value shall be reassessed according to the
quality. For assets without certifying documents, the value shall be
assessed by the enterprise and submitted to the local tax authorities for
examination and approval in accordance with the quality of the assets.

Article 16
Depreciation of fixed assets shall be calculated starting from the
month when the assets are put into use. Depreciation shall no longer be
calculated starting from the month following that in which the fixed
assets cease to be used.
For enterprises engaged in exploiting off-shore petroleum resources,
all investments at the stage of exploration shall be counted as capital
expenditure with the oil (gas) field as a unit, and depreciation shall be
calculated starting from the month when the oil (gas) field begins to go
into production for commercial purposes.
Article 17
In calculating depreciation on fixed assets, the residual value shall
be assessed first and deducted from the original value, the principle
being to make the residual value about 10 per cent of the original value;
those assets to retain a lower or no residual value shall be submitted for
approval to the local tax authorities. If the depreciation is calculated
in accordance with a composite life method, residual value may not be
Depreciation on fixed assets shall generally be computed in average
under the straight-line method.
Article 18
The depreciation period for various kinds of fixed assets is set as
1. The minimum depreciation period for houses and buildings is 20
2. The minimum depreciation period for trains, ships, machines and
equipment and other apparatuses for the purpose of production is 10 years;
3. The minimum depreciation period for electronic equipment, means of
transport other than trains and ships, as well as appliances, tools and
furniture relevant to production and operation is 5 years.
For cases where the depreciation on fixed assets of foreign
enterprises, owing to special reasons, needs to be accelerated or to be
computed under modified methods, applications may be submitted to the
local tax authorities for examination and then relayed level by level to
the Ministry of Finance for approval.
Depreciation of various kinds of fixed assets resulting from the
investments of enterprises engaged in exploiting offshore petroleum
resources, during and after the stage of exploration, may be calculated in
accordance with a composite life method. The depreciation period shall not
be less than six years.
For enterprises engaged in exploiting coal mineral resources, the
provisions of the preceding paragraph may also be applied.

Article 19
Expenditures arising from enlargement, replacement, refitting and
technical innovation and resulting in the increase of value of fixed
assets in use, should be regarded as capital expenditure, and shall not be
listed as expenses.
For the fixed assets remaining in use after the full depreciation
period, no depreciation shall be allowed.
Article 20
The balance of the proceeds from the alienation or disposal of fixed
assets at the current price, after the net unamortized value or the
residual value of the assets is deducted, shall be entered into the profit
and loss account for the current year.
Article 21
For intangible assets such as patents, technical know-how, trademark
interests, copyright, right to use sites and other franchises that are
alienated to foreign enterprises, the payment made by the enterprises at
reasonable prices shall be amortized from the month they come into use.
Intangible assets mentioned in the preceding paragraph and counted as
the investment by foreign and Chinese enterprises in co-operative
production and business operation, may be amortized on the basis of the
assessed value as provided in the agreements or contracts from the month
they come into use.
The intangible assets mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs that
are alienated to or counted as investment by the foreign enterprises with
the provision of time limit for use, shall be assessed and amortized
according to the time limit; those without such provision shall be
assessed and amortized in a period not less than 10 years.
Article 22
Expenses arising during the period of preparation for a foreign
enterprise shall be amortized after it goes into production or business in
a period not less than five years.
Reasonable exploration expenses incurred by foreign enterprises
engaged in exploiting off-shore petroleum resources may be amortized from
the revenues derived from the oil (or gas) field that has gone into
production for commercial purposes, but the time limit of such
amortization shall not be less than one year.
Article 23
Inventory of merchandise, raw materials, products in process of
production, semi-finished products, finished products and by- products
shall be valued according to the cost price. For the method of
computation, the enterprises may choose one out of the following: first-in
first-out, shifting average and weighted average. In case a change in the
method of computation is necessary, it shall be submitted to the local tax
authorities for approval.

Article 24
If a foreign enterprise cannot provide accurate evidence of costs and
expenses and cannot correctly work out its taxable income, the local tax
authorities shall appraise and determine its profit rate with reference to
the profit level of other enterprises of the same or similar trade, and
then calculate its taxable income on the basis of its net sales or its
gross business income.
The taxable income of a foreign enterprise engaged in contracted
projects for exploring and exploiting off-shore petroleum resources shall
be calculated according to the profit rate appraised and determined in
relation to its gross income of the contract.
Article 25
For foreign air and ocean shipping enterprises engaged in
international transport business, the taxable income shall be 5 per cent
of the gross income from transport services for passengers and cargoes
within the Chinese territory.
Article 26
Foreign enterprises engaged in cooperative production with Chinese
enterprises on the basis of proration of products are considered as
receiving income when such products are distributed, and the amount of
their income shall be computed according to the prices at which the
products are sold to the third party or with reference to the prevailing
market prices of the products.
Foreign enterprises engaged in cooperative exploitation of off-shore
petroleum resources are considered as receiving income when they receive
their share of crude oil, and the amount of their income shall be computed
according to the prices which are regularly adjusted with reference to the
international market price of crude oil of equal quality.
Article 27
The income of dividends interest, rentals, royalties and other
sources in China as mentioned in Article 11 of the Tax Law is explained as
"Dividends" refer to the dividends or the share of profits obtained
from enterprises in China.
"Interest" refers to interest earned from deposits and loans,
interest on various bonds purchased and interest earned from payments made
for others and from deferred payments in China.
"Rentals" refer to rentals on properties rented to persons in China.
"Royalties" refer to income obtained from the provision of various
patents, technical know-how, copyright and trademark interests for use in
"Incomes from other sources" refer to incomes specified to be taxable
by the Ministry of Finance other than those mentioned above.

Article 28
The income of dividends, interest, rentals, royalties and other
sources in China as mentioned in the preceding article, with the exception
of those for which separate provisions are stipulated, shall be assessed
on its full amount, and the tax to be paid shall be withheld by the paying
unit from each payment.
Article 29
"International finance organizations" as mentioned in Article 11 of
the Tax Law refer to the International Monetary Fund, the International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), the International
Development Association, the International Fund for Agricultural
Development and other finance organizations of the UN
The "preferential interest rate" mentioned therein refers to a rate
that is at least 10 per cent less than the general prevailing interest
rate in the international financial market.
Article 30
"China's state banks" mentioned in Article 11 of the Tax Law include
the People's Bank of China, the Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of
China, the People's Construction Bank of China, the Investment Bank of
China, and China International Trust and Investment Corporation which has
been authorized by the State Council to be engaged in business of foreign
exchange deposits, loans and credits with foreign clients.
Article 31
"Income derived from interest on deposits", as mentioned in Paragraph
4 of Article 11 of the Tax Law shall not include the interest on deposits
of foreign banks in China's state banks at a rate of interest lower than
that prevailing in the international financial market. Income from
interest on deposits at a rate lower than that prevailing in the
international financial market shall be exempted from income tax.
Article 32
Payments of income, as mentioned in Article 11 of the Tax Law,
include payments in cash, payments by remittance, payments through
transfer accounts, as well as payments made in marketable securities or in
kind which are rendered into equivalent amounts of money.
Article 33
Income tax to be paid provisionally in quarterly installments as
stipulated in Article 7 of the Tax Law may be paid according to the actual
quarterly profit, or it may be paid on one-fourth of the taxable income
calculated on the basis of the planned profit for the current year or the
actual income in the preceding year.
Article 34
For foreign enterprises which have operated for less than a year, the
income tax shall be assessed on the actual income earned in the operation
period at the applicable tax rate prescribed by the Tax Law.

Article 35
When foreign enterprises go into operation or close down, such
enterprises shall, within 30 days after starting operation or before
closing down, go to the local tax authorities for the relevant tax
registration according to Article 10 of the Tax Law.
Article 36
Foreign enterprises shall file their income tax returns and final
accounting statements with the local tax authorities within the prescribed
period irrespective of making profit or loss in the tax year and, unless
otherwise stipulated, shall send in at the same time the audit certificate
of the chartered public accountants registered in the People's Republic of
Article 37
In case of failure to submit the tax returns within the prescribed
time limit owing to special circumstances, the foreign enterprise should
submit application to the local tax authorities within the said time
limit, and the time limit for filing tax returns and accordingly that for
final settlement may be appropriately extended upon the latter's approval.
The final day of the time limit for tax payment and that for filing
tax returns may be extended if it falls upon an official holiday.
Article 38
The revenue and expenditure of foreign enterprises shall in principle
be accounted on accrual basis. All accounting records shall be accurate
and complete, and shall have lawful vouchers as the basis for entries.
Article 39

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